• News aggregator on electric cars and electric vehicles (cars, motorcycles, boats, planes).

CALB to build battery plant in Europe

The Chinese battery manufacturer CALB (China Lithium Battery Technology) is now also planning a factory in Europe. An annual capacity of 20 GWh is planned. There is no further information on the location and timetable so far – but Germany seems to be in the running. For the construction of the battery factory, the Chinese […] More…

Tesla delivers 936,172 BEVs over 2021

Tesla delivered a total of 936,172 electric cars last year – a growth of 87 per cent compared to 2020. 308,600 vehicles were delivered in the fourth quarter – more than ever before in a single quarter. Last year, Tesla delivered 499,550 vehicles and built 509,737 units. With the 936,172 vehicles now delivered, Tesla has […] More…