• News aggregator on electric cars and electric vehicles (cars, motorcycles, boats, planes).

EV sales are 49% up, China still far ahead of Europe

The first half of 2023 saw an impressive surge in global electric vehicle (EV) sales, painting a picture of a world increasingly swayed by sustainable transit choices. In the first six months of this year, global EV sales posted a 49% increase, reaching 6.2 million units. This isn’t just a tiny blip on the radar. EVs now constitute 16% of the global light vehicle market, a jump from 12.4% in H1 2022. China remains the runaway leader with 55% of global EV sales in H1 2023. However, it’s worth noting that China’s growth rate has settled to a more modest 43% in H1 2023, down from a… More…

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